Graduation Preparation

6 Apr
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My college career is finally coming to an end. After four long years, I will be graduating from the University of North Texas with a public relations degree in just 35 days.

 My first three-and-a-half years seemed like a lifetime, but my final semester has gone by in a flash. Reality is setting in and I’m starting to get nervous about what the future holds for me. For the first time in my life, I’m not ready to be done with school. But the fact of the matter is that I will be. And soon.


It seems as though everyone I know is starting to line-up full-time jobs after graduation and I have yet to begin even applying. So as I begin my full-fledged job search, I researched some tips that will come in handy as I move forward in my hunt.


  • Update your resume and portfolio: I have tweaked my resume and carefully proofread every piece in my portfolio. But that’s not enough. Give these materials to multiple people to proofread and ask for suggestions. Also, most universities, including UNT, have a Career Center that will help you perfect these materials. Your resume is what employers first see – so make sure it’s good.
  • Know where to look: There are generic job search websites like Monster and CareerBuilder that are a great place to begin. But it’s important to look for job search sites that are tailored to you. Look for websites that feature industry-specific jobs in your area, such as DFW Communicators.  Also, look at business journals in your city and look for the companies with good ratings, and then apply directly with the companies.
  • Do your research: Don’t just apply for a position, research it and customize a cover letter based on the job description. If you land an interview, knowing as much as possible about the company and the position will not only impress the employer, but also increase confidence going into the interview.


The job searching tips available are endless. But remember – it’s important to apply for jobs that seem interesting and know that it’s OK to turn down a job if it doesn’t feel right. Be persistent, showcase your skills and aim to make a lasting impression. I will be using these tips, as well as advice from friends, family and colleagues as I go forward with my job search and inch closer and closer to graduation each day.

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